Protect Their Future and Save Ours
Your Impact on Conservation
Annual Report 2020

A Time of Innovation and Reimagination
2020, the year of the pandemic, began for our team with field staff working in remote Svalbard, Norway, on a polar bear den study just before the world began shutting down. At the same time, our senior director of conservation, Geoff York, was also in Norway, joining other delegates from the five polar bear nations at a meeting of the Polar Bear Range States.
All managed to squeak home just before borders started to close around the world. The 12 months that followed were challenging and unusual, leading us to change and innovate across the board as we adapted our conservation efforts in the face of COVID-19 restrictions, while also feeling deep compassion for the many people impacted.
Here are 10 highlights of our progress during that most extraordinary of years, accomplishments made possible because of your steadfast commitment to polar bear conservation:
1. Global Connections
As schools closed in response to COVID-19 and teachers and students found themselves working from home, their screens lit up around the world as more and more tuned in to our Tundra Connections webcasts. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to meet the huge surge in demand for online learning, rolling out a new series of spring programs on polar bears and the Arctic with partners including Discovery Education and Microsoft Education.
We also invested in new software to produce live, television-quality broadcasts, allowing us to mix in video clips, photographs, and panelists in multiple locations. This innovation will forever change the way we produce our Tundra Connections broadcasts. In 2020, viewership of our educational programs skyrocketed by 900% and watch times grew by over 1,000%.
Tundra Connections and Live Cams
in collaboration with

Youtube views were up over 500% in 2020. We posted and created 250% more videos than the previous year.
2. First Polar Bear Safe Community
Just before lockdowns prevented in-person gatherings, your support allowed us to take part in the first of several meetings in Churchill, Canada—the polar bear capital of the world—to help create the world’s first polar bear safe community.
The new Polar Bear Safe Working Group is led by the town of Churchill, with strong support from our team. Its goal is to set recommendations and establish protocols that will minimize encounters between polar bears and people, allowing both to thrive. The framework will help other Arctic communities become “polar bear safe,” too, reducing conflict and helping humans and bears coexist.
Among the measures you helped fund in 2020 to enhance Churchill’s already robust safety measures were:
Purchasing 15 polar-bear-safe waste bins for deployment around town, a proven way to reduce visits from curious bears—with future purchases slated for other Arctic communities.
Producing a “polar bear safety” coloring book, specific to Churchill, to help kids learn to live safely around bears; the coloring books are part of our wider conflict-reduction efforts, with versions tailored to Alaska, Greenland, and Russia to date, with more in the works.
Our SpotterRF Artificial Intelligence in Churchill now has the ability to identify polar bears with 90% confidence at ranges less than 200 meters.
3. Arctic Inspiration
Our live cams of polar bears, beluga whales, and northern lights in partnership with regularly reach hundreds of thousands of people around the globe every year. Viewership soared even more due to pandemic lockdowns.
Because of you, we were able to ignite a sense of wonder and expand our community through live footage showcasing the beauty of polar bears and their world. In 2020, the cams reached an amazing 12,720,168 people, with the Northern Lights Cam becoming the third most popular cam on the website.
We also created a “polar bear self-care” series on our social channels to help relieve lockdown stress and provide inspiration, sharing polar bear photographs and calming messaging. As one follower said: “Thank you for providing such soothing content during this challenging time. Your posts bring a smile every day.”
4. Innovative Tracking Tags
Sticking a GPS tag to a polar bear’s fur: now there’s an idea worth exploring. Thanks to your generosity, this novel approach to tracking polar bears moved out of the lab and into the Arctic.
3M, the company that invented Post-It Notes, worked in partnership with our research team to create four prototype Burr on Fur tags. We began field-testing them last autumn on a sample of wild polar bears in Western Hudson Bay.
Tests are continuing this year with polar bears in zoos that belong to our Arctic Ambassador Center network. Not only is the approach minimally invasive, but it will also allow scientists to study two important age/sex groups—adult male polar bears and young polar bears—that can’t be tracked with traditional collars.
Five wild polar bears were tagged in the fall of 2020 with Burr on Fur prototypes.
Polar Bears International’s Arctic Ambassador Centers include more than 50 zoos and aquariums from 24 U.S States, 4 Canadian provinces, Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, and Belgium. We welcomed two new AACs in 2020, Zoo De La Fleche in France and Pairi Daiza in Belgium.
5. Policy Meetings
As a science-based organization with staff scientists renowned in the polar bear world, Polar Bears International regularly participates in international meetings related to polar bear conservation, joining other representatives from the five polar bear nations (Canada, Greenland, Norway, Russia, and the U.S.). These groups help set research and conservation priorities for polar bears across the circumpolar Arctic.
In 2020, your support allowed our team to take part in a key meeting of the Polar Bear Range States, including a break-out group on reducing conflict between polar bears and people. A second meeting, a gathering of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Polar Bear Specialist Group, was originally scheduled for the summer of 2020 but postponed due to the pandemic. It was held instead as a virtual gathering in June of 2021, with two of our staff scientists playing an active role in discussions and policy goals.
6. Svalbard Den Study
For more than a decade, our team has studied polar bear moms and cubs at den sites, first in Alaska and more recently in Svalbard, using solar-powered cameras to record the behavior of newly emerged families. Denning is the most vulnerable time in a polar bear’s life, and researchers hope to better understand the needs of moms and cubs to aid in their conservation.
In 2020, our den fieldwork took place in February just before the world began shutting down, but our 2021 season was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. Thanks to your generosity, our team used the time to focus their efforts on improving the cameras and software used to run the den-study cameras. The goal was to build a small, lightweight system that field staff anywhere in the Arctic could deploy after some very basic training.
As staff member BJ Kirschhoffer said, “By the end of this year, we should have a custom-built recording system that could be sent to any denning area, from Russia to Canada to Greenland and Alaska—and I definitely consider that time well spent.”

7. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Sea ice loss from climate warming is the single biggest threat to polar bears but we must also do all that we can to ensure as many bears as possible thrive now. That’s why we focus efforts on protecting moms and cubs during the risky denning period, giving every single cub the best possible chance of survival.
Thanks to your support, our staff scientists provided in-depth commentary to U.S. government agencies on the threats posed to denning polar bear families from proposed oil and gas activity in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, based on our decades-long history of den research. The refuge is a key denning area for the threatened Southern Beaufort Sea population; this is critical habitat where every den counts. The data gained over years of fieldwork will be a major factor should companies push to open the refuge to drilling despite the established risks to moms and cubs.
In 2021, we plan to focus efforts on working to ensure the Arctic Refuge is forever protected as a wilderness area, safeguarding moms and cubs for generations to come. We are also developing new den-detection technology to help keep moms and cubs across the Arctic out of harm’s way.
8. Vote for Polar Bears
The fall of 2020 brought key elections in many countries around the globe, giving us an opportunity to reimagine our future. Your generosity allowed our communications team to launch a Vote for Polar Bears campaign to encourage voting and remind moms, dads, grandparents, and young people of the importance of voting with the climate in mind.
So what does “Vote for Polar Bears” mean? It means casting our votes for leaders who will prioritize action on climate warming, ensuring a better future for polar bears and all of us. It means voting in every national, regional, and local election, no matter how small. And it means voting for and supporting leaders who will make policy decisions that put us on a swift transition to renewable energy and away from a reliance on fossil fuels.
The campaign proved so popular that we plan to pulse it out at regular intervals. We’ve also added a new staff position focused on advocacy and policy to step up engagement in this area.
9. Key Research Papers
Polar Bears International’s renowned scientists regularly publish papers that add to our understanding of polar bears and help inform policy decisions, a unique approach in the nonprofit world.
In 2020, your commitment to polar bear research led to the publication of six papers co-authored by staff scientists and partners, including a study examining noise transmission into polar bear maternity dens.
Four of the six research papers have direct implications on the last-minute attempts by the former U.S. administration to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—a critical polar bear denning area—to oil and gas development. Another showed the effectiveness of bear spray under Arctic conditions. The last publication was a study that answered the key question of when polar bears in different parts of the Arctic will start to disappear unless we greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions; this paper garnered global media coverage.
All were excellent examples of Polar Bears International’s strong partnerships with government, academic, and zoo partners, as well as our focus on research with conservation impacts.

10. Media Outreach
In 2020, Polar Bears International appeared in over 2,000 unique publications, including BBC News, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, Reuters, Smithsonian, and more.
The press coverage added to our reputation as a global leader in polar bear conservation and helped bring the polar bear’s story—including the threats the bears face and the solutions at hand—to a worldwide audience.
From interviews with staff scientists on research findings and conservation threats to features on awareness campaigns like our Polar Bear Week, the media stories helped keep polar bears and the Arctic top of mind.
In 2021, we plan to launch a new website with a section that highlights recent press coverage, further expanding our impact and reach.
Polar Bears International appeared in 2,054 unique publications, including BBC, NY Times, CNN, and more. Estimated aggregate readership / media value: 5.9 billion / $20.13 million.
Arctic Circle Legacy Protectors
Polar Bears International has launched a new program called the Arctic Circle—a legacy giving program that ensures your investment in the Arctic continues for generations to come.
Make a lasting impact on the Arctic by supporting Polar Bears International through:
❄ Appreciated securities
❄ Gifts in your will
❄ Retirement funds
❄ Life insurance payments
If you have already included polar bears in your legacy giving, please let us know. We’d like to include you in our Arctic Circle where you can stay informed about special events and news about the progress we’re making together on behalf of the world’s polar bears.
For more information contact our development staff at, or at 406-586-9416.
“Dick and I don’t have children. But the legacy we want to leave to the world of your children and theirs is one that supports healthy ecosystems for all species—including humankind. We have seen for ourselves the ominous link between the survival of polar bears as a species and our own. That’s why our estate plans include a bequest to Polar Bears International. We believe that preserving polar bears is about more than saving an especially impressive species. It’s also a critical step toward preserving the planet for generations to come.”
~ Valerie Beck Polar Bears International Board Member
Provide for an inheritance that your family can live on—a sustainable planet. As part of the Arctic Circle, you can make an impact for generations to come. TODAY.
Charity Navigator

Polar Bears International earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, its highest possible rating. Attaining a 4-star rating verifies that Polar Bears International exceeds industry standards, adheres to sector best practices, and executes its mission in a financially efficient way. Approximately only a quarter of rated charities have achieved this distinction!

Guidestar confirmed that Polar Bears International earned their Gold Seal of Transparency for sharing accurate qualitative information about goals, strategies and vision. The publicly shared information also includes financial data, as well as details about our mission, leadership team, board and programs.
2020 Financials
Contributions – with donor restrictions: $30,792
Contributions – unrestricted: $1,438,510
In-Kind: $265,280
Grants: $1,465,906
Events – net of donor benefits: $178,358
Total Revenue: $3,378,846
Programs: $1,840,089
Management and General: $271,821
Fundraising: $303,743
Total Expenses: $2,415,653
Other Income (Expense): $58,866
Changes in net assets: $1,022,059
Net assets at the end of the year: $5,314,005

For any research projects that Polar Bears International helps fund, we do not pay overhead costs, a policy that ensures funds go directly to the projects and polar bear conservation.
Note: Our program expenses were down in 2020 due to pandemic-related restrictions on field research and other initiatives requiring travel, but our administrative and development numbers stayed roughly the same compared with previous years. This impacted the ratio of our expenses for programs versus administrative and fundraising costs.
John Kelleher – Chair
Amy Moore – Vice-Chair, Secretary
Steve Dolman – CFO
Richard P. Beck
Valerie Beck
Kristin Biniek
Federica Gamble
Patrick Keeley
Dani Reiss
Kevin D. Spreekmeester
Canada Goose Inc.
Frontiers North Adventures
Shared Planet
Daniel J. Cox, Natural Exposures
Quark Expeditions
Wildlife Collections
David Yurman Enterprises LLC
Polar Bear Products
Air Canada
Barclays Capital Canada Inc.
Canada Goose Inc.
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
CJ Graphics
David Yurman Enterprises LLC
Feather Industries
Frontiers North Adventures
IGan Partners
Mantella Corporation
Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment
National Post
Northwood Family Office
Harry Rosen
Sporting Life
Torkin Manes
The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank)
Calm Air International Ltd.
Canada Goose Inc.
Churchill Northern Studies Centre
Town of Churchill
Frontiers North Adventures
Holz Construction
Hudson Bay Helicopters
Hudson Bay Port Company
Lakeview Signature, Trademark Collection by
Wyndham – Winnipeg
Manitoba Sustainable Development
MTS Allstream
Norwegian Polar Institute
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Sea North Tours
Tamarack Rentals
Tundra Inn
The University Centre in Svalbard
Wapusk Adventures
Wapusk National Park
Wa’tchee Lodge
The Annenberg Foundation
Benevity Community Impact Fund Donors
Burns Foundation Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation
Sunir Chandaria and Charissa DeKoninck-Chandaria
Facebook Fundraisers and Donors
Ms. Frederica Gamble
Google Adwords
The LaFetra Foundation
Dani Reiss
Rosen/Jackson Charitable Fund, The Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Small Business Administration Payroll Protection Program
Wildlands Nature and Education Fund
Benevity Community Impact Fund Canada
Ambreen and Tristan Brown
Combined Federal Giving Campaign
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Martha Struthers Farley and Donald C. Farley
Jr. Family Foundation
The Bruce G. Geary Foundation
GoFundMe Donors
The Estate of N. M. Graafstal-Lankester
Harwood Holdings Ltd.
JNK Holdings Ltd.
Kansas City Zoo
The Estate of Ruth E. Kranovich
Louisville Zoo Foundation
Love, Light & Namaste Fund
Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment
Sandra J. Moss
Loi and Adele Nguyen
The North West Company
Ouwehands Zoo Foundation
Dion Phaneuf
Bruce Rothney
Jack and Marion Schieffelin Charitable Fund
Smythe Inc.
Laura Urtnowski
Utah’s Hogle Zoo
Bob and Heather Williams
Aqueduct Foundation
Beane Family Foundation
Richard and Valerie Beck
Kristin Biniek
The Florence Boyer Foundation
Canada Helps Donors
Steven Dolman
Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover
Fitzhenry Family Foundation
Brian and Elizabeth Ruth Hastings
Jewish Communal Fund
Inukshuk Capital Management Inc.
Rachel Kimel
Lamberton Family Trust Fund
Scott Lehman and Bay Roberts
Andrea Lenczner and Blair Levinsky
Mary MacLean
Highness Global Inc.
The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
The Molly Millis Fund, High Point Community
Harley Mintz
Munich Zoo (Tierpark Hellabrunn)
Murphy Family Fund
No Fixed Address
Point Defiance American Association of
Zookeepers (AAZK) Chapter
Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating
Corinne Ryan
Saint Louis Zoo
Shirley R. Scofield
Kevin and Sue Spreekmeester
Tiergarten Schönbrunn (Zoo Vienna)
Tierpark Berlin – Friedrichsfelde GmbH
Michael Wallace
The White Pine Fund
Zoologischer Garten Rostock
Amazon Smile Donors
Ambrosino Peter Living Trust
Bailey Family Foundation
Jennifer Bassett
Taylor and Amy Beattie
Mark Bernardi and Mary Frazer
Mike Cameron-Jones
Cecil Chen and Elizabeth Haanes
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
Anna Davis
Jennifer and Kurt Denlinger Family Foundation
Bill Fielding
David M. Gaba and Deanna L. Mann Charitable
Grace Family Foundation
Douglas Greenburg
Henry Vilas Zoo
Sam Ifergan
The Grace Jones Richardson Trust
Robert Kruzel
Robert and Doretta Marwin
The Rod N. McDonald Family Foundation
Network For Good Donors
Orsa Rovdjurspark
Sainte Croix Biodeversite
Jonathan and Kimberly Saxon
Stichting Wildlife
United Kingdom (UK) Online Giving Foundation
Carlton and Leslie Williams
Taylor Ablitt
Vicki Adair
Lisa Adler and Joe Krysl
Airlie Foundation
Allegra Bozeman
Sarah Andersen
David Anthony
Nadar and Sharmeen Arafat
James Arneberg
Keith Ash
Cherri Ashton
Robyn Barfoot
Marina Barnstijn
Juliana Barr
Alex Barrotti
Susan Bedford
Tara Begeman
Steven R. and Debbie Berlin
Joyce and William Biffar
Biffar Revocable Living
Nancy Biggs
Renee Binzer
Mary Anne Blackman
Kevin Blakely
Dave and Deborah Boede
Christopher Bolger
The Arnold Bortman
Family Foundation
Jim Bouchard and Susan
J. Russell Bowman
Clayton Braatz
Matthew Brace
Alice Brainerd
Brendan Breen
Monica Briggs
Brogan Group
Mrs. Stella P. Brown Charitable Gift Trust
Robert and Carolyn Buchanan
Susan Buckley
Hovey Burgess
Joseph Campbell
Tristan Campbell
The Capital Group Companies Charitable
Charla Caponi
Mary Carrisosa
Kathryn Casey
CCL Charitable Fund
Aparna Chaganty
Citizens Charitable
Al and Elizabeth Clinton
Cochrane Polar Bear
Angela Conover
Rosemary Conroy
Carla Cook
Corby Spirit and Wine
(Polar Ice)
Nancy Corkill
William and Kendall Cowles
Jacqueline Crist
Pamela Dandrea
Gina D’Auria
Davies Family Charitable
Valerie Davison
Matt Dawson
Michael Declerck
Bronwen Denton-Davis
Dr. Mary Ann Dudko
Bonnie Durgin
Gary and Judy Edwards
Michael Edwards
David Engle
David Epstein
Ulrike Erbslöh
Ms. Kathy Erickson
Ernst and Young
Leslie Ewy
F1 Key Foundation
Margaret Falk
Joan Feeney
Lynn and Linda Ferrell
Tracy M. Field
Eileen Flynn
Frances Fong
James Forbes
Forest Hill Public School
Lynn Foxx Pease and David
Bridget Fraser
Fuller Family Charitable Trust
Lisa Fulton
Ms. Gisela Gamper
Barbara Geist
Connor Gilbert
Penny Giovanetti
Ann D. Goldblatt
Marc Goldman
Michael Goodhart and Dr.
Susan Hoppe
Kurt and Carol Grow
Laura Grubaugh
Ingemar and Cynthia C.
Candice Guth and David
Ralph and Louise
Jennifer Hacker
Lauris W. Halladay
Barbara Hallowell
Kathleen Hamilton
Scott and Ellen Hand
Emily and Arand Harmon-
Jessie M. Harris
Dr. Daniel Hartnett Family
Claire Haydon
June E. Heilman
Joseph A. Herron and
Jeannette E. Herron Fund
Trent Hershenson
Mel and Jody Heyman
Dr. Helene Hoffman
Ken Holden
Cathy Honor
Katherine Hooley
Mark Hooten
W. David and Bonnie
Scott Huber
Joze Janezic
JDP Charitable Fund
Euan Johns
Kerry Johnson
Johnson-Soderberg Family
Ann Jones
Noel and Robert Jordan
Matthias Kalt
Ann Karrick
Barbara Kelleher
Stephen and Theresa
Cathy A. Kennedy
Bill and Joffa Kerr
Charles Kingsley
Bridget Kirkish
Nina Kiskadden
Randall and Sally Knight
William and Susan Kunkler
Thomas E. and Agnes B.
Leanne Lachman
The Ian and Rochelle Laing
Family Foundation Inc.
Julie Lambert
Neva Lattanzio-Temple
Catherine Lau
C. B. Laub Family
Foundation Inc.
Sylvie Leblanc
Chinhan Lee
Jeanne Leszczynski and
Diane DiCarlo
Kay Leung
Ruth Lewis
Helen Li
The Lieberman Family
Paul Lindstrom
A. Locke
Robert Lofgren
Margit Look Henry
Emily Lovell
John Lynn
Dawn Maciocia
Elfriede Maclean
John Magers
Diane Maguire
Ami Mann
Herman and Andi
Adrienne and John Mars
Yvonne and Michael Marsh
Martens Family Colorado
The Martin Family
Charitable Foundation
Alyssa Mastromonaco
Christian Mathieu
Christopher Mayer and
Gail Crofoot Chraritable
Ryan McCall
Mrs. Barbara McIntyre
Melanie McIntyre
Rebecca McKee
Hope McLean
Warren McNaughton
Paul Meehan
Jason Melo
Kay Michael
Donna Milani Luther
Milwaukee County Zoo,
County of Milwaukee
Christy Monroe Charitable
Gift Fund
Amy Moore
Moorpark College
Anthony and Susan Morris
Ms. Jane Mueller
Doug Murray
Adrian Myers
Kevin Newman
Ami Norris-Brilliant
Tom Ocasek
Denver Offutt
Gregory Ogorek
Sylvia O’Hara
Noemi Okun
Olivia Orr
Steven and Grace Pabalan
Diane Paschall
Paypal Giving Fund Canada
Paypal Giving Fund Donors
Pennsylvania, Jersey,
Maryland (PJM) Power
Peppermint Narwhal
Ann M. Petric
Cindy Peyton
Joyce and Duane Phillips
Lli Pika
PIMCO Corporate
Jacqueline Pinto
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG
Harry Plant
Pledgeling Foundation
Katharina Pock
David Posner
Bryan Pryde
Jesse Pugh
Shyamala Ram
Sammy Redlick
Ian and Deb Riddell
Wolf Dieter Riege
The Estate of Abraham Ringel
Elizabeth and Stan Ringer
Miles Roberts
The Danon and Heather
Robinson Family Fund
T. J. Ross
John Rubin
Samantha Rudofsky
Rudy Ruggles
Theresa A. Russo
Kristin Ryan
Jill and Doug Schatz
Jeffrey Scherbarth
John and Vicky Schmarr
Jeanette Schneider
Anne Schneiderman
Danny Sgro
Sharoll Sheffield
RitaSue Siegel
Mrs. Lyn Sinko
Martha Smart
Split Rock Charitable
Svenja Stober
Stoneleigh Foundation
Nigel Street
Joesph Sudbay
Christina Sue-Chan
Amne Suman
Ryan Taylor
Gavin Thompson
Diana L. and Gordon Tracz
Vadim Tsvankin
Dr. Patricia Turner
U.S. Bank Foundation
Employee Matching Gift
Chada Vanich
Pamela M. VanZandt
Varian Medical Systems
Kevin Veloso
Joe Vitale
Sally Wiggin
Jane Wilkens
Susan Williams
Mr. Robert Wilson
Susan Wilson
David Wimble
Kellan Wolverton Kilbourne
Memorial Fund
Michael and Diane
World Wildlife Fund
Krista Wright
Muthulakshmi Yegappan
Emily C. Young
Zhuqing Zhang
Sussie Aalberg
Craig P. Abod
Alice K. Adams
Crystal Adams
Judith W. Anderson
Keith and Paula Anderson
Yoko Aoyama
Edgar Askelovic
AT&T Foundation
Mr. Richard Baker
Anthony Barfield
Elizabeth Bearden
Kathy Benn
Barbara S. and Bruce Berger
Roland Billings
Dan Bloch
Margaret S. and Philip D.
Block Jr. Family
Jeffrey Bluhm
Valerie Bochsler
Trina and Kenneth Boggs
Lynn Bongio
Mathias Borcke
Jill Borra
Patricia Bowen
Lori K. Bowers
Charlie and Elaine Brenner
Dr. Michael Briselli and
Jeannee Sacken
Charitable Fund
Stuart and Frances Brooks
Paula Brothers
Timothy Bulpit
John Cahill
Karen Campbell and Michael Fraysse
Edward Cawley
Omar Biagio Cericola
Edward Chejlava and Tracy
I-Hsuan Chen
Jiyuan Chen
Dominic Chua
Dana Clark-Scott
Caleb Claxton
Clover by Clover
Teresa Cohen
Kim Cole
Robert Collins
Judith Conning
Meg Connolly
Izaskun Cornejo Pertica
Ryan Cunningham
Mark Curley
Mario Cyr
John Daly
William Dempsey
Kinsey and Kyle Dickmann
Dan Ding
Eatinger Family Fund
Kathleen Edwards
Herman, Tanya and Corey Fernandez
Laura Fiedler
Manfred Fiess
Jessica Finn
Linda and Roger Fornell
Jennifer Fortin
Frances Frattali
Freeman-Spicer Charities
Joanne Fritz
Jackie Fry
Kartik Gade
Ellen Gallagher
Caitlin Galt and Elsa Van Buren
Dede Gardner
Jordyn Gardner
Ruth Gaulke
Dick and Jane Gerber
Sandra L. Gerstung
Mary Giannini
Gina Gibney
Audrey Gillespie
Faye Gillingwater
Rachel Giovenco
Randelle Graham
Christine and Louis Green
Cambria Greene
Ellen Greenwood
Wendy Griswold
Jeff Gronneberg
Rosemary W. Gutwillig
Renwick Guyer Jr.
Christl Hacker
Scott Hackmeyer
Michelle Hager
Kathleen Hajduk
Jean Hall
James Halverson
Pam Hammond
David Haraldseid
Rebecca Hardy
June Heeter
Mr. Peter Hellman
Dennis and Denise
Anthony Hill
Susie Hill
Elaine Hirsch
Holmes Murphy
Andrew Hopkins
Shannon Hu
James and Sherry Hubbard
Edward Hunt
Lee and Lori Hunt
Charles Huyghues-
Gladys Ibanez
Elizabeth A. Jackson
Marilyn Jae
Soobin Jang
Janice Jastrzebski
Johnson Family Charitable
Ms. Carol Johnston
Jennifer E. Jones
Sajit Joseph
Barbara Judge
Nina Juengling
Justgiving Donors
Anne Kalunian
Karin Kammbach
Tim and Virginia Kasser
Vanessa King
Wakako Kodera
Zach Kozicki
Sandy Krochak
Jeff Kulik
Staffan Kuuse
Desiree Laffey
Maggie Shun Wah Lau
Samantha Lee
Sylvianne Lemay Gudalj
Emily Lemer
Dion Lies
Thomas Lilleyman
Ryan and Evan Lisiak
Archana Lodhia
Joan Loy
Huiyuan Ma
Jillian Ma
Lindsey Mackey
Nagesh Mahanthappa
William Malstrom
Francine Mandeville
Stephanie L. Mansfield
Marci Marcantonio
Miss Darian A. Mark
Lanny Martinson
Michelle Matox
Ruth Mattes
Tim May
M. Patricia Mayhugh
Janet Mays Carpenter
Peter Mazurek
Sheila McCracken
Maeve McDade
Sunseerie McKinnon
McKinstry Charitable
Nina McNitzky
Linda and Michael McNulty
Peter Miller
Mrs. Tamara Miller
MobCraft Beer Inc.
Lorretta Moore
Jeanne Carol Myers Ph.D.
Tadahiro Nakahama
Akshaya Nataraj
Karen Newsom
Barbara Nielsen and
Patrick Wallace
Maira Nieto
Christopher Njaa and Janet
Dorothy North
Roberta Olenick
Elizabeth Osder
William Ostrander
Pacific Gas and Electric
(PG&E) Corporation
Jean-Pierre Parenty
Vicki Parker
Naya Pedersen
Christina Pérez
Martine Perkins
Michael and Vicky Perlman
Nicole Petrosky
Marilo Dolores Pla
Dr. Paolo Plini
Katherine Putensen
Hillary Rathjens
Ann Reddin
Ruth Reeve
Gail Reinertsen
Paul Rice
Ms. Nancy Richardson
Judith Riley
Susannah Roberson
Susan Robinson
Inez Rogatsky
Denise and David Roman
Karen Rowe
Stephen Roy
Jennifer Russell
Mr. Christopher Salem
Samantha Scheiman
Robert Schneider
Shannon Scholtes
William Schroeder
Gerald Sharp
Shiny Frog
Cressida Slote
John Sommerrock
Margaret A. Sommers
Michael Stallard
Kaitlin Statz
Mr. Grant Stauffer
Dr. Sarah Stewart
Dr. Carey Suckow
Ai Ting Tai
Steve Tamburo
Edna Tan
Craig Taylor
TE Connectivity
Mirina Thompson
Mary Thornton
Tiltify Donors
Annemiek Van Gijn
Thomas Vanhoutte
Varian Medical Systems
Cynthia Villani
VMware Foundation
Matthew Vrabel
Patricia Wagner
Alan and Joanna
Annette Watt
Ms. Suzanne Westgaard
Shireen and William
Amy Whittington
Ms. Erica and Donnalee
Jenny Wong
Phoebe Wong
Pauline Wu
Sung Hsia Wu Charity
Walter Yeung
Timothy Young
Pamela Yuhm
Dr. Fiona Zachariasse
Kol Zarember
Yuri Zbrutsky
Ariel and Noah Zych