Your impact on polar bear conservation

Dive in deeper

Annual Report 2023

Howling winds. Frigid temperatures. Vast expanses of sea ice. Snowy nurseries for cubs. The icy home where polar bears roam is challenging and incredibly beautiful. Protecting that home — and ensuring the polar bears’ future — lies at the heart of everything we do.

In our Annual Report to members, we’re excited to share highlights of the progress we made together on behalf of polar bears in 2023 — all thanks to your generous support and involvement.

Background Photo: © Jenny Wong / @jdubcaptures

Science and Research

With research projects that span the circumpolar Arctic, we focus our efforts on projects that inform conservation and add to our understanding of the polar bears’ needs and vulnerabilities. Here’s what you made possible in 2023.

Maternal Den Study

Denning is the most vulnerable time in a polar bear’s life. Your support allowed us to deploy 3 remote cameras at den sites in Svalbard, Norway, adding to our understanding of the needs of denning families. This long-term study builds on our earlier den research in Alaska.

Photo: © Kt Miller /

Groundbreaking Research

Your generosity made several key scientific papers possible in 2023. This includes one by our chief scientist emeritus, Dr. Steven Amstrup, that paves the way for adding climate protections for polar bears under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The findings could be applied beyond the U.S. and help other climate-impacted species.

Protecting Den Sites

To protect polar bear dens from being disturbed, we need to know where they are. In 2023, you helped fund 6 ultra-wideband radar tests in Svalbard, Norway, to detect dens under the snow, with promising results. We plan to follow up with additional tests in Alaska, on different terrain.

Photo: © Kt Miller /
Photo: © Emily Ringer /

Innovative Technology

Because of you, we were able to wrap up our Burr on Fur study. We tested these new, minimally invasive tracking tags with the help of 15 Arctic Ambassador Center zoos and 3 government and academic partners. The “stick on” tags will allow researchers to track adult male and young polar bears, two little-studied groups.

Foundational Science

Only by understanding what it truly means to be a polar bear can we determine what is needed to protect their future. Thanks to your generosity, we helped fund 6 studies, from genetics research to energy use and population studies, working with a range of partners across the Arctic.

Photo: © Erinn Hermsen /

Photo: © Kt Miller /

Indigenous Knowledge

Thanks to your commitment, we supported our 2nd Indigenous Knowledge study, this one on how Indigenous peoples in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, coexist with polar bears and what they envision for the future. We also added 2 Indigenous board advisors to our board of directors, broadening our insights and perspectives.

Next Generation Researchers

Your support allowed us to help fund 2 postdocs in 2023. We also mentored early career scientists on how to work with the media and communicate with lay audiences, through opportunities including serving as ambassadors in our interpretive centers, contributing website articles, and taking part in interviews, webcasts, and live chats.

Photo: © Larissa Thelin /

Background Photo: © Kt Miller /

Global Education

Through our top-ranked website, Tundra Connections® broadcasts, and other engaging content, we inspire teachers, students, and life-long learners to follow their curiosity and get involved. Here’s what you made possible in 2023.

Photo: © Esther Horvath

Tundra Connections Webcasts

Because of you, we reached over 480,000 people around the world in 2023 through Tundra Connections webcasts and live chats, giving viewers the chance to engage with scientists and other experts and ask questions. The broadcasts included one-on-one connections with classrooms in Canada’s North.

Interpretive Centers

Your support allowed us to test the concept of a pop-up interpretive center, Polar Bears International Ice House, in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway, during the summer Arctic cruise season, with plans to continue it in 2024. The project builds on the success of our interpretive center in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, now open for 3 seasons.

Photo: © Emily Ringer /
Photo: © Kieran McIver /

Top-Ranked Website

Thanks to your generosity, more than 526,000 people from 218 countries and territories visited our website in 2023, with conservation information on polar bears among the top-ranked content. We were also able to add 3 new units and lesson plans to our educational offerings, including “Mom and Me,” “Top of the World,” and “Polar Bear Tracker.”

Strong Partners

In 2023, the LEGO Group joined us in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, for a live broadcast during polar bear season, helping to amplify our reach and impact. Other educational webcast partners included Discovery Education, TakingITGlobal, Connected North, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, and Microsoft Flip.

Photo: © Cassandra Debets /

Summer Camps

In 2023, a generous donor allowed us to pilot 2 week-long summer camps for kids in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, a town famous for its polar bears and a base for many of our research and outreach efforts. Activities centered around Indigenous Knowledge and included crafts, berry-picking, natural history lessons, and more.

Arctic Ambassador Centers

Thanks to your support, we welcomed 2 new Arctic Ambassador Centers to our network in 2023, bringing the collective impact to 49 zoos and aquariums from 25 U.S. states, 4 Canadian provinces, and 7 European countries (Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, the U.K., France, and Belgium), helping us reach millions of people with our conservation message.

Photo: © Jenny Wong / @jdubcaptures

Background Photo: © Jenny Wong /  @jdubcaptures


With more polar bears coming ashore in more places as the sea ice melts, our coexistence efforts are more important than ever, designed to allow polar bears and people to live safely with each other. Here’s what you made possible in 2023.

Svalbard, Norway

Because of you, we were able to work with partners on human-polar bear safety measures for the research community of Ny-Ålesund, which has seen an uptick in visiting polar bears. Efforts included giving safety presentations and distributing handheld flares and educational materials on human-bear coexistence.

Photo: © Esther Horvath
Photo: © Simon Gee /

Southern Hudson Bay

Your generosity allowed us to work with 2 Cree communities on coexistence efforts. Guided by their unique situations and cultural preferences, we supported them in developing safety plans; supplied non-lethal deterrents and training in their use; and provided 2 bear traps for relocations.

Churchill Bear Smart Group

We continue to support Churchill in becoming the world’s 1st Polar Bear Smart Community, building on the town’s already robust efforts. In 2023, thanks to your generosity, this work included finalizing a series of new safety videos, funded by Polar Bears International, and rolled out to the public in the fall.

Photo: © Kt Miller /

Early Warning Systems

Your support allowed us to test 3 “Detect to Protect” radar systems to alert communities of approaching polar bears and to work with a partner to train the AI to recognize them. Further testing will continue this year, including a unit mounted in one of our Arctic Ambassador Center zoos.

Diverse Partners

From Environment and Climate Change Canada to York University and the King’s Bay Company in Norway, we worked with a total of 7 partners on conflict-reduction measures, expanding the reach and impact of our coexistence efforts.

Photo: © Kieran McIver /

Background Photo: © Kt Miller /

Policy & Advocacy

Government policies have an impact on polar bears, which is why we focus efforts on ensuring decisions are in their best interest. This includes empowering our followers to become involved citizens and advocates for polar bears. Here’s what you made possible in 2023.

Photo: © Emily Ringer /

Policy Meetings

Your generosity enabled us to take part in 3 important international policy spaces: the Arctic Circle Assembly, the Polar Bear Range States meeting, and COP28 — where we strengthened our networks and spoke up for polar bears. We also shared 6 COP28 accreditation badges with Indigenous and youth leaders.

Expert Commentary

Because of you, we were able to provide in-depth expert commentary, based on the latest scientific data, on the need to protect polar bear moms, cubs, and denning areas from industrial disturbances in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. We also met with government agencies on issues related to polar bear conservation.

Photo: © Meril Darees /
Photo: © Shervin Hess / Oregon Zoo

Climate Alliance Training  

In 2023, you made it possible for us to share tested messaging on polar bears, sea ice, and climate change with 19 zoo professionals from 3 countries, bringing the total to 237 graduates. The 7-month course empowers participants to communicate effectively on climate change, helping to move the dial in their communities.

Awareness Events

Year after year, our 3 annual awareness events shine a global spotlight on the challenges polar bears face in a warming Arctic and how we each can help. They include International Polar Bear Day on February 27; Arctic Sea Ice Day on July 15; and Polar Bear Week during the first week in November.

Photo: © Tim Auer
Photo: © Marissa Krouse /

Vote for Polar Bears Campaign

Every time we step into the ballot box, we have an opportunity to step up for polar bears. Our Vote for Polar Bears campaign emphasizes the power of voting with the climate in mind, in each and every election, at every level of government. In 2024, we plan to create an Engaged Citizen Campaign.

Background Photo: © BJ Kirschhoffer /


Through media stories, live cams, videos, and compelling photos, we help keep polar bears and the Arctic top of mind, highlighting the need to protect the bears and their fragile ecosystem. Here’s what you made possible in 2023.

Global Media Reach

Your generosity enabled us to share accurate, science-based facts on polar bears, sea ice, and climate change through worldwide media coverage from NBC Nightly News to NPR, the Associated Press, The Guardian, Reuters, AFP, Smithsonian, The Weather Network, and more. In 2023, we were featured in 3,520 unique media stories with an estimated reach of 5.4 billion people.

Photo: © Gilberto Tadday / TED

TED Talk

Thanks to your support, our own Alysa McCall presented a TED Talk in New York City in 2023, titled “What to do when there’s a polar bear in your backyard.” Her talk focused on human-bear coexistence efforts including Churchill’s Bear Smart Working Group and our Burr on Fur tracking tags. As of this writing, it’s been viewed more than 1.4 million times.

Arctic Inspiration

Because of your generosity, we touched hearts and minds through our live Polar Bear, Northern Lights, and Beluga Cams in partnership with, highlighting the Arctic and its wildlife and inspiring people to care. In 2023, these windows into the Arctic received over 1.8 million views from around the world, including over 54,500 views on archived YouTube videos!

Photo: © Shervin Hess / Oregon Zoo
Photo: © Kieran McIver /

Videos and Photos

In 2023, you made it possible for us to produce 121 videos, from short social media clips and reels to longer educational videos like “Polar Bear Moms and Cubs: From the Den to the Sea Ice” and “A Day in the Life: Joanna Sulich.” Our video views on YouTube grew to 168.5K. We also continued to add photos to our photo library, including those donated by wildlife photographers.

Social Media

Because of you, we reached a global audience of 489,959 people through our social media networks in 2023, where we shared videos, field updates, live chats, and links to educational content. We further amplified our social media reach and impact by providing online toolkits with pre-made social content and partnering with photography ambassadors.

Photo: © Erinn Hermsen /
Photo: © Bruce Silverstein 

Conservation Happy Hours

In 2023, we hosted 3 live Conservation Happy Hours for our Polar Bear Patrons, major donors, and partners, giving them first-hand access to the latest stories and developments in polar bear conservation. Each was recorded and later shared widely via our social media channels.

Background Photo: © Kt Miller /

2023 Financials

Your generosity makes so much possible for polar bears—now and in the future.


Contributions – unrestricted: $3,542,775

Contributions – with donor restrictions: $600,825

Grants: $838,031

In-kind support: $853,092

Special events: $31,350

Other Revenue: $46,708

Total Revenue: $5,912,781


Programs: $4,364,815

General and Administrative: $379,231

Fundraising: $750,072

Total Expenses: $5,494,118

Other Income – foreign currency gain: $89,349

Changes in net assets: $508,012

Net assets at the end of the year: $6,558,909

For any research projects that Polar Bears International helps fund, we do not pay overhead costs, a policy that ensures funds go directly to the projects and polar bear conservation.

Background Photo: © Kt Miller /

2023 Board of Directors

2023 Emeritus Board of Directors

Dani Reiss

2023 Board of Directors

Amy Moore

Patrick Keeley

Steven Dolman

Kristin Biniek

Valerie Beck

John Kelleher

Jean-Pierre Parenty

Stephanie Sluka

Penny Brook

Gavin Thompson

Andrew Cyr

Peggie Pelosi

Sarah Street

2023 Board Advisory Committee

Richard P. Beck

Frederica Gamble

Dr. Don Moore

Sylvia Palka Melo

Carlton Williams

Georgina Berg

Katie de Muelles

Background Photo: © Jenny Wong @jdubcaptures

Support Our Work!

Donate or shop to help ensure a future for polar bears.

Subscribe to our e-newsletters, and connect with us on social. (social media icons with links)

Check out our new climate action advocacy toolkit and become part of the solution.

Background Photo: © Tim Auer /

Give With Confidence

GuideStar Platinum Transparency

Charity Navigator 4-star

Our Supporters





Friends of the Bears


Field Support

3M Company
Assiniboine Park Zoo
Brigham Young University
Calm Air International Ltd.
Canada Goose Inc.
CHC Helicopter
Churchill Northern Studies Centre
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
Cochrane Polar Bear Habitat
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Cornell University (Dr. Flavio Lehner)
Courtyard Marriott
Custom Churchill Tours
Discover Churchill Tours
Discovery Education
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Frontiers North Adventures
Hearts In the Ice
Holtz Constructors Inc.
Hudson Bay Helicopters
Hudson Bay Port Co.
Kansas City Zoo and Aquarium
The LEGO Group
Manitoba Sustainable Development

MTS Allstream
Nanuk Operations
National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCCI)
Norwegian Polar Institute
Old Dominion University (Dr. John Whiteman)
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Oregon Zoo
Peppermint Narwhal
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Scandinavian Wildlife Park
Sea North Tours
Spotter Global
Svalbard Museum
Town of Churchill
Tundra Inn
The University Centre in Svalbard
University of Alberta
University of Manitoba
University of Toronto
Utah’s Hogle Zoo
Wapusk Adventures
Wapusk National Park
Wa’tchee Lodge
York University

Toronto Gala Sponsors

Barclays Capital Canada Inc.
Brettler Mintz Foundation
Burns Foundation Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation
Canada Goose Inc.
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
Credit Suisse Securities (Canada) Inc.
Harry Rosen Inc.
Highness Capital
iGan Partners
Inukshuk Capital Management Inc.
Kruzel and Partners
Loopstra Nixon LLP
Maple Leafs Sports & Entertainment
No Fixed Address LLC
Northwood Family Office
Smythe Inc.
Torkin Manes LLP
Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank Group)

Foundations & Annual Gifts


The Annenberg Foundation
Richard and Valerie Beck
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Ambreen and Tristan Brown*
Burns Foundation Fund – The Winnipeg Foundation
Environment and Climate Change Canada
The Estate of Janis McReynolds
Ms. Frederica Gamble
Google Ad Grants
Head and Heart Foundation
The Heromado Foundation
Hopewell Fund
David Krone and Alyssa Mastromonaco
The LaFetra Foundation
Manitou Fund
Royal Bank of Canada (RCB)
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
Laura Urtnowski
Utah’s Hogle Zoo
Vibrant Rhythm Charitable Fund

* Polar Bear Patron

$10,000 – $24,999

Dorothy L. Boyer
The Bruce G. Geary Foundation
John Carrick
Charles A. Weyerhaeuser Memorial Foundation
Detroit Zoo
Fitzhenry Family Foundation
The Florence Boyer Foundation
Honda Canada Foundation Inc.
Jon Hountalas
Hurtigruten Expeditions
Jack and Marion Schieffelin Charitable Fund
Jay Henges Charitable Trust
Kansas City Zoo and Aquarium
Kathryn Nell Harrison Foundation
John and Nancy Kelleher
Louisville Zoo
Deanna Mann and David Gaba
Martha Struthers Farley and Donald C. Farley Jr. Family Foundation
Microsoft Advertising – Ads for Social Impact Grant
Sandra J. Moss
Melissa and Michael O’Donnell
Offutt, Simmons, Simonton PLLC
Ouwehands Dierenpark
Pairi Daiza
Paola Pivi
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
Jesse T. Pugh*
Robin and Lyn Garland Charitable Account
Saint Louis Zoo
Prabha Sarangi and Connor Clairmont
Seneca Park Zoo
Sarah Street
Jann and David Tenenbaum
Tierpark Berlin – Friedrichsfelde GmbH
The White Pine Fund
Wildlands Nature and Education Fund
Zoologischer Garten Rostock GmbH

* Polar Bear Patron

$5,000 – $9,999

Airlie Foundation
Bailey Foundation
Sandra Bass
Beackers and Feeders Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation
Beane Family Foundation
William and Joyce Biffar
The Buffalo Zoo
Hovey Burgess*
CERZA Parc Zoologique Lisieux
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Anna Davis
Steven Dolman
Elmo Foundation
Foster Family Foundation
The Grace Jones Richardson Trust
Bear Grylls
Brian and Elizabeth Ruth Hastings
Henry Vilas Zoo
Marjorie Klayman
Mary MacLean
Marguerite Sours Foundation
The Maryland Zoo in Baltimore
Hiroshi Myoraku
Denver C. Offutt Jr.
Catherine Parry
Point Defiance Chapter – American Association of Zoo Keepers
Red Butterfly Foundation
Bay Roberts and Scott Lehman
Sunniva Sorby
Stichting Wildlife
Tiergarten Schönbrunn
Tierpark Hellabrunn
Tierpark Neumünster
Cynthia Villani
Kaitlin and Josh Wright and The Crown Family
Zoo Karlsruhe

* Polar Bear Patron

$2,500 – $4,999

The Arnold Bortman Family Foundation
Amelia and G. Taylor Beattie
The Bedford Family Fund
Kristin Biniek*
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
Club Ocean
Pascale Delhaye
Denlinger Family Foundation
EMI Strategic Marketing
Fabio LEO 3000 SPA*
Fillmore Riley LLP
Grace Family Foundation
Carol and Kurt Grow
Elizabeth Haanes and Cecil Chen
Holz Constructors Inc*
Michael and Helen Hortsch
Ludwig and Wendy Johnson
Kellan Wolverton Kilbourne Memorial Fund
Bill Lamberton

Leanne Lachman Charitable Foundation
Doretta and Robert Marwin
Nancy McNamara
Michael E. McGoldrick Charitable Foundation
Natural Habitat Adventures
David Posner*
The Riggio Foundation
The Rod N. McDonald Family Foundation
Donald Sarno
Jeanette Schneider*
Danny Sgro
ShoeZ, Osaka Tennoji Zoo, Sapporo Maruyama Zoo, Shizuoka Municipal Nihondaira Zoo, Yokohama Zoological Gardens Zoorasia
Split Rock Charitable Foundation
Gavin Thompson
Diana and Gordon Tracz
Wellington Laboratories
Zoo Am Meer Bremerhaven

* Polar Bear Patron

$500 – $2,499

Sussie Aalberg*
Vicki Adair*
Alaska Zoo
Aleda Patterson School
The Alfred & Adele Davis Academy
Alice & Fred Wall Family Foundation
Dr. Stephanie and Andrew Amend*
Sarah Andersen and Christopher Hayner
Judith W. Anderson
Ngah Hwee Ang
Barbara Apgar
Arcticus Team
James Arneberg
Keith Ash and Kerry Keller-Ash
Trista and Rohith Askok
Assante Capital Management Ltd
Autodesk Foundation
Carrie Baker
Jeffrey M. Baker
Mr. Richard Baker
Anthony Barfield
Robyn Barfoot*
Steven Barger*
Juliana Barr*
Timothy Baures
Tara Begeman*
NaYeon Beggs*
Salima Belghazi
Kjell Bergh
Steven R. and Debbie Berlin
Kathleen Bernard*
Jessica Besse*
Stephen Beverly
Andrea L. Bezik
Renée Binzer*
Melia Bisbee*
Tracey Blackwell
The Boeing Company Corporate
Briana Borten*
Boston Consulting Group
J. Russell Bowman
Matthew Brace*
Alice Brainerd
John and Sharon Brauman
Brinker Family Foundation
Elizabeth Britnell
Brookfield Zoo
Marian Bruns
Dakota Buffington*
Robin Bullock
C. B. Laub Family Foundation
Joe Campbell
Michael Lynne Carney
Mary Carrisosa
Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
Diane Cassity and Donald Wakefield
Giovanni Cespa*
Sunir Chandaria and Charissa Dekoninck-Chandaria
Sona Chandwani
Erik Charbonneau
Andrea Checroun
Nedra Chesnutt*
Kyung Ah Cho*
City of Davis
Rose and Thomas Clark
Como Park Zoo and Conservatory
Lara and Stephen Compton*
Rosemary and Chris Conroy
Carla Cook
Ms. Lisa Cooper*
Michael Corell
Pam and Jim Cote
Kenneth Coughlin
Karl A. Cremieux*
Brittany Crossman
MaryKay Crow*
Nancy Cushing*
Andrew and Kirstin Cyr
Dana Sila Foundation
Pamela D’Andrea*
Christina Davis*
Julie Johnson Davis
Michael Declerck
Suzette Dewey
Dawn and Joseph Dowd
Dr. Mary Ann K. Dudko
Arthur Duston
David Easton – Giftpact Foundation
James Easton
Arthur and Teri Ebersole
Ms. Campbell M. Edlund
Edmonton Valley Zoo
Judy and Gary Edwards*
Kathleen Edwards
Patricia Eng*
David Engle*
Ms. Kathy Erickson*
Leslie Ewy*
F1 Key Foundation
Joan Feeney
Diane Fennell*
Reeve Fernandes
Linda and Lynn Ferrell
Fidget Factory – Double Peak School
Diane Fisher
Lindsay Fletcher*
Eileen Flynn
Mrs. Harriette Frank
Nancy Frederick*
Jackie and Doug Fry*
Fuller Family Charitable Trust
Karen and Alan Gaddis
GAIA Earth-Balance Grant Fund
Barbara Geist
Karen Genereaux
Jane and Dick Gerber*
Karen Gerken
Benjamin Gill
Penny Giovanetti
Eva Gleason
The Goldblatt Family Foundation
Gorlitz Foundation Ltd

Jeannine L. Graf
Linda Granat
Grey Maple Fund
Mary Grindeland
Wendy Griswold*
Laura Grubaugh*
Colleen B. Grzeskowiak*
James Habacker
Marsy and Stephen Haber
Patricia Haggerty*
Lauris W. Halladay
James Halverson
Sarah J. Hamilton
Scott and Ellen Hand
Kyle Haney*
Cathy Harm
Jessie M. Harris
June E. Heilman
Adam Heller
Helsinki Zoo
Melvin and Jody Heyman
Lin Hines
Takako Hishinuma
Dr. Helene Hoffman*
Carlos Hojvat
Madeline Holmes*
Hope Presbyterian Church at Lake Nona
Susan Hoppe and Michael Goodhart*
David and Bonnie Horney
Cameron Houle*
Lori and Lee Hunt
Yvette Hwee
Marilyn Jae
Jasmine and Iris Take Action Fund
JdJ Jewellery
Melanie Johnson
Johnson-Soderberg Family Foundation
Ms. Carol Johnston
Noel and Robert Jordan
JP Morgan Chase Good Works Employee Giving Program
Matthias Kalt*
Dennis and Jenny Kapela
Connie Karanam
Eli Katzenstein
John D. Keith
Stephen and Theresa Kendziorski
Ki Tae Kim*
Vanessa King*
Charles Kingsley
Susan Kirschner
Nina Spray Kiskadden
Ms. Brenda Klein*
Miss Melanie L. Knepp
Sally and Randall Knight
Keizo Kobatake*
Sula Koo*
Zach Kozicki*
Linda M. Kriehn
Krumm Family Foundation
Thomas and Agnes Kurtz
Natasha Lakin
Neva Lattanzio-Temple*
Catherine Lau*
Helen C. Lau*
Holly Lauer
Sylvie Leblanc
Chinhan Lee*
Emily Lemer
Loren Lewallen
Ruth Lewis
Scarlett Li
Xu Lian*
Wayne Lin
Lincoln Park Zoo
Paul Russell Lindstrom
Mike Lockhart*
James and Lesley Logan
Gerry Luna*
John and Ginger Lynn*
Greg MacKenzie
Sheila MacMahon*
Ami Mann*
Margaret S. and Philip D. Block Jr. Family Foundation
Yvonne and Michael Marsh
Scott Martyn
Ruth Mattes*
Tim May
Ryan McCall*
Mrs. Barbara McIntyre*
Melanie McIntyre
Carla Mead*
Paul Meehan
Brian and Janalee Melikian
Heidi Meyer
Lesley Meyer
Michael and Diane Wondolowski Fund
Kay Michael*
Laura Miehls
Ana Mihaljevic and Adam Miller
Milwaukee County Zoo
The Mitchell Fund
The Monarch Foundation
Lloyd Monteith
Amy Moore*
Kim Motyl
Ms. Kasey Mueller*
Raymond Mui
Ted Muir
Susan Munday
Dale and Martha Murphy
Jeff Murphy and R. Valerie Johnson*
Melissa Muth
Jeanne Carol Myers PhD
Minori Nakanishi
Claudia Natalia
Tracey Neff*
Douglas and Pat Nelson
Pamela Neveu
Nordfolk Travel AS
Michelle and Wyatt Norman
Shouanette Norrish and Matt Garratt*

Thomas and Sally Ocasek
Roberta Olenick
Tessa Olson*
Oregon Zoo
Susan Orlansky and Jim Bouchard
Olivia Orr
Nicola Oudejans
Steven and Grace Pabalan
Elsebeth Paikin
Jean-Pierre Parenty and Michelle Smith
Ana Parke
Sharon Parker
Vicki Parker
Patel Family Fund
Lynn Foxx Pease and David Pease*
Peggie Pelosi
Pendragon Charitable Fund
Ann M. Petric
Cindy Peyton
Joyce and Duane Phillips
John Philp
Phyllis Rothman Charitable Fund
Katharina Pock*
Erin Podolak
Polar Bear Air Conditioning Plumbing & Heating Inc.
Andrew Portengen
Linda Pothiers*
Mike Price
Allen Priest
Race Roster
Thomas Rackerby
Dunja Radivojevic*
Shyamala Ram
Stephen D. Ramsey
Marsha Render*
Paul B. Rice
Barbara and Joel Richmon
Ian and Deb Riddell
Judith A. Riley*
Elizabeth and Stan Ringer
Miss Virginia Robbins*
Christine Rock
Inez Rogatsky
T.J. Ross*
The Rotary Foundation
Orsa Rovdjurspark
Stephen D. Roy*
Rudy and Diane Rudesal*
Linda Russell
Corinne Ryan
Kristin Ryan and Jeffrey Contompasis
S. H. Huber Wildlife Fund
St. Regis Aspen Resort
Kyle Salley*
Jeffrey Scherbarth
Anne Schneiderman
Select Equity Group Foundation
Lynn Selzer
Anjali Shenoy*
Mrs. Lyn Sinko
Steven Sklenicka*
Thomas M. Smithwick
Sóstó Zoo – Nyíregyházi Állatpark Nonprofit Kft
Shannon Spillman
Patti Stang*
Sarah Staub
Mr. Grant Stauffer
Ms Nancy Stier
Katharine and Thomas Stoever
Stoneleigh Foundation
Vera Strasser
Douglas Stuckey*
Joseph Sudbay and Carlos Martín*
Iqbal Sunderani
Peter and Mary Lou Svendsen
Jena Swanson
Emily Swartz*
Dennis Sweeney
Witney Tate
Taubman Giving Account
Katelyn Taylor
Beth S. Thompson
Rosemary Thompson*
Martha I. Tinker
Charlene Toews*
Tia Benson Tolle
Todd Trowbridge
The Troy Foundation
Vadim Tsvankin*
Pornchada Vanich
Patricia D. Vantuyl
Pamela VanZandt and Gina Gibney
Rita Verma
Alexandria Wagner*
Jaron Waldman
Spenser Walters*
Esther Weber
Xiao-Jun Wei
Lindsay Weichert
Eric Weir
Mark and Sarah Wellings
Jay West
Lindsay Weston
Sally Wiggin*
Blair Wigney*
Wild Women Expeditions
Jane Wilkens
Carlton and Leslie Williams
Susan Williams*
Erica and Donnalee Wills*
Robert D. Wilson
David Wimble*
Pearl Wong*
Krista Wright*
Tim and Heidi Wright
Jocelyn Yonemoto
Masafumi Yoshida*
Emily C. Young
Lola M. Zbukvich
Zhuqing Zhang*
Marcia Zweig
Ariel and Noah Zych
Ralph Zylstra*

* Polar Bear Patron

$250 – $499

1777133 Ontario Inc.
Sarah Abernathey
Richard and Paula Abney*
Anjie Ackerman*
Lisa Adler and Joe Krysl
Erika Agnew*
Akiko Akahane*
Debra Alexandrov*
Lorraine Alkire
Richard Allen
Angela Allt
Rob Amir*
Nichole Anderson*
Yoko Aoyama*
Eric Ashman*
Ken Ayres*
James Bardgett*
Ramlah Bari*
Beany Boy Enterprises Incorporated*
Daniel Bear
Elizabeth Bearden*
Amanda Beers
Darren Beers*
Matthew Belleghem*
Teri Belmont*
Jeffrey Bluhm
Bodine Family Foundation Inc.
Clint Boerner
Trina and Kenneth Boggs
Ms. Nicole Boyte*
Andrew Bracker and Brenda White
Dianne Branch
Maryann Bredin*
Stuart and Frances Brooks
Ranjani Brow*
Lysanne Bullen*
Ann Caldwell
Kathleen Cameron*
Michael and Terri Camilleri
Janet Cannon*
Carla J. Schneider Revocable Trust
Carol Carlsen*
Casals Evans Design Group Ltd.
Sian Case
Teresa Case*
Kaitlyn Casimo*
Lesley Cassidy
Mr. Alexander Cassidy-Neumiller*
Renata Celichowska
Rohan Chandrasekhar
Judith Channon
I-Hsuan Chen*
Chevron Matching
Tyler Childers
Ling-ru Chu*
Caleb Claxton
Cynthia Clifton
Kurt and Nancy Clyde*
Pat Coffman*
Teresa Cohen*
Kimberly Coleman*
Marie-Louise Collins*
Mrs. Elizabeth Connelly*
Jacqueline Conomikes
Angela Conover
Barbara Bush Cook
Hugh Cooke*
Levi and Naama Cooperman
John Cummins*
Kelley Cunningham
Ryan Cunningham
Mark Curley*
Marjorie Curtsinger*
Cristian Dalbuoni*
Matthew Dallas
John Daly*
Susan Davidson
Barbara Davis*
Rhonda Day*
Lauren Dealleaume
Christopher Deane*
Deep Creek Winery
Tim Deery*
Dr. Peggy Defazio*
Kyle and Kinsey Dickmann*
Dan Ding*
Louis DiTrapano
Stephen Donelle
C. William Dougherty
Mr. Jeffrey Dryfoos
Marjorie Duck
Eileen Duffy
Justin Dunbar*
Sybil Eady
Ms. Arlee Eastman*
Paul Mietz Egli
Maureen Empfield
Dr Lindi Bijin Engelbrecht*
Diane Engleman*
Entertainment Industry Foundation
Mr. Brian Esposito
Sylvia and Ludwig Esser*
Tamara Faas
Gina Gustafson Faena*
Deborah L. Fate-Mental*
Dr. Marc and Dr. Susan Feldesman
Karen D. Felts
Herman and Tanya Fernandez
Ann D. Fetzer
Laura Fiedler*
James Field
Manfred Fiess
Csilla Fisher
Anne Marie Flanagan*
Debra Floyd
Frances Yiu Ling Fong
Roger and Linda Fornell
Christian Fottner*
Philip Francis*
Frances Frattali*
Kelli Frederickson
Cindy Froman
Lai Ping Fu
Xiaoxiao Fu
Lisa Fulton
Nicole Gallo*
Maria and Nanda Gasparini
Alice Gaub
Ms. Ruth Gaulke*

GE Foundation
Kelly and Samuel Geckler
Howard Geniele
Jane and Dick Gerber
Sandra Gerestung
Alexander Gershon
Linda and James Gilcrest
Audrey Gillespie*
Rosemary Giuliano
Jennie Gosche*
Jessica Goshorn*
Pamela Graham
Eleanor Greenwood-Patton
Ingemar and Cynthia Gustafson
Candice Guth and David Pogel
Ruth Gordon Haas
Scott Hackmeyer*
Sahar Haley
Rebecca Hamilton*
Terrill Hanna
Pamela Hartman
Christian Hastings*
Larry Hattersley*
Mrs. Deborah Heacock*
Guy Hebert*
Ms. Eileen Held*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hellman
Ronald and Susan Henkhaus*
Trent Hershenson
Alan Hill*
Heather Hillis
Melissa M. Hinwood*
John Hoffman*
Carrie Hohl*
Phyllis Hollis*
Robert and Katherine Hooley
Gina Hopkins
Frédéric Hourlay*
Kendall Howard
Hsinchao Liao Household
Zhouqun Huang
James and Sherry Hubbard
Diane Huber*
Jann Humphrey
Judith Humphrys*
Edward Hunt
Ann Hurd*
Juliane Inouye
Richard Mark James*
Hsiang-Fu Jan*
Joze Janezic*
Soobin Jang*
Mrs. Rosemary Jarrett*
Kiran Jayakumar
Jenkinson’s Aquarium
Annette Jenks*
Jennie Johannesen and Matthew Conway
Elizabeth Jones
Barbara and John Judge
Elizabeth Judkins
Diya Kapoor
Lynn and Robert Karantz
Leanne Keller*
Samuel Kider
Gregory Klein
Janice Knickerbocker
Patricia Knight
Wakako Kodera*
Chris Koide
Ms. Karen Koletar*
Debra Kramer*
Lionel Larcombe
Nancy Latner
Maggie Shun Wah Lau*
Melissa Lauer
Eunice Lee*
Joan Lee*
Sam Leist*
Steven Lerer*
Alex Levine*
Blair Levinsky and Andrea Lenczner
Nina Lewin*
Dion Lies
Virginia Liggett*
Penny Pei-Ying Lin*
Ms. Karen Linn
Mr. Mike Lockhart*
Jean Lorchat
Constanze Lullies
Mr. Michael MacDougall
William Malstrom*
Rhonda Mancuso*
Francine Mandeville*
Ms. Deborah Mangrum*
Stephanie L. Mansfield*
Marci Marcantonio
Jessica Marcilla*
Dana Mark
Miss Darian A. Mark*
Christopher Marks
Sheila Marr*
Miranda Marshall*
Megan Martin*
Mark Mason*
Janette May*
Jean May
Betty and Rudolf Mayer*
Jerilyn McCarty*
Maeve McDade*
Jennifer McDaniel*
Michael McIntyre
Sunseerie McKinnon*
Betsy McNerney and Donald Bell
Octavia Melendez*
Bailey and Marianne Mersereau
Alexia Mignen
Marc and Mary Miller*
Mrs. Tamara Miller*
Marilo Dolores Pla Miralles*
Marianne Mohan-Wilders*
Sachiko Mollison*
Mrs. Kathryn Morgan*
Carol Moynham
Frank Muller
Edward Myers
Sai Narain
Naturalist Journeys
Paul and Kathy Neff
Danielle Nezzie*
Barbara Nielsen and Patrick Wallace*

Maira Nieto*
Ami Norris-Brilliant*
Anne Obee
Abalene O’Dell
Ms. Rita Ospelt*
William J. Ostrander
Irene O’Toole*
Rafael Oyola*
Pachyderm Friends*
Nancy Palmer*
Ivan Pan
Kelly Paquette*
Amey Park*
Sandra K. Park
Thomas C. Parrett*
Kristi Paul
Mary Paulsboe
April Pearson
Kathrine Pendleton*
Ms. Sara Pennak*
Christina Perez*
Izaskun Cornejo Pertika*
Patrick Phillips
Lauri Pisilä*
Laura Pittner
Carla Pizzi
Tara Poe
Wai Man Poon*
Port of Los Angeles High School
Clarissa Porter
Susanne Press*
Ralph Protano*
Judy Purze
Shiyu Qu
Guadalupe Ramirez*
Frances and Terry Reardon*
Red Light Holland
Deborah E. Reek*
Ruth Reeve*
Reid & Riege Foundation
Marianne Reilly
James Reina*
Johanna Ressel
Jim Revoir
Jillian Reynolds
The Richardson Family Trust
Ms. Nancy Richardson*
Tia Katherine Riebe-Ricketts*
Miles Roberts
Earl Robinson
Kelly Rogers*
Mr. Frank Roscoe*
Larry Rosen and Susan Jackson
Jeannette Rothweiler
John Rubin
Alec Rulev*
St. Paul C.S.S.
Martin Sal*
Mr. Christopher M. Salem
Darrell Sanders*
Carrie and Barry Saxifrage
Katherine Sayn-Wittgenstein
Scandinavian Wildlife Park
Melissa Scherling*
Sarah Schledorn
Erin Schlicht
School District of Algoma
Eva Schorer*
Callie Scott*
Ella Seifert
Michael and Marilyn Seiler
Nurith Sela*
Sharon Senderek
Joseph Serbus*
Mary C. Sherzer*
Jon Sholl*
Kevin Shows
Sonny Sluiter
April Smith*
Kim Davis Smith*
Rachael Smith*
Alex Sneiders
Diane Snyder*
Cathy Soltero*
John Sommerrock*
Margaret A. Sommers
Curt Spear*
Carol L. Staab
Shanna Stein
Shaya Stender
Kathleen Street
Hilde Fålun Strøm
Linda Subryan*
Dr. Carey Suckow*
Katherine Sun
Joanna Suter
Helen Hiromi Suzuki*
Robin and Mark Swope
Carson Szilagyi
Christina Takenaka*
Shirley Tang*
Susan Thabit
Ms. Mary Thornton*
Lauren Todd
Torkin Manes LLP
Toronto Zoo Chapter – American Association of Zoo Keepers
Katherine Turner*
Luke Tuttle
Dr. Douglas Uhlig*
Wim van Osch*
VMware Foundation
Mathias von Borcke
Kelli Waits*
Alan Wallenstein
Tien Hua Iris Wang*
Annett Wedemeyer*
Nicole Welfel*
Elin Weller*
Susan Wendt*
William L. Westbrook
Allyson Whitfield*
Kristina Will*
Marla Woods*
Mari-Jayne Woodyatt
Graeme Wright*
Pauline Wu*
Brian Yarrington
Pamela Yuhm*
Dr. Fiona Zachariasse
Friedrich Zittlosen

* Polar Bear Patron

Polar Bear Patrons (monthly donors) $1 – $249

Tonya Aberle
Kathleen Abueg
Dr. Julia Ackerman
Jan Ackermann
Akanksha Akanksha
Guilherme Albernaz de Lima
Maria Al-Hamdan
Abdul-Qadir Ali
Blake Alspach
Antoine Amiel
Sara Sanchez Anca and Maria Jose Anca Candocia
Carrie Anderson
Blair Anger
Justin Angermeyer
Yoko Aoyama
Lury Arelle
Samantha Armstrong
Leah Arnold-Rice
Evan Ash
Brandy Ashwood
Edward Atkinson-Clark
Stephanie Austin
Diego Villa Aveleon
Carolyn Aydin
Michal Babicka
Laura Bailey
Linda and Robert Bailey
Wouter Bakker
Casey Ballard
Angela Barraclough
Karin Basilio
Amy Baxendell-Young
Barbara Bayer
Christopher Beacock
Rachael Beasley
Nora Benoliel
Sandra Bettis
Mathilde Blanquart
Beatriz Boch
Maxine G. Boggy
Lawrence Bokser
Pauline L. Bolong
Diana Bolton
Ray Bolton
Abbey Bonner
Sandra Boros
Elodie Bosch
Ursula Bowling
Ann Boyd
Eva Boyd
Carol Bozena
Marcia Bracy
Katie Brady
Gwenevere Bradley
Danielle Brigati
Jeppe Bringø
Robert Brooks
Allison Brown
Mrs. Valerie Brown
Josephine Brucia
EvelynAnn Bruno
Michele Brusegard
Dina Buck
Debbie Buckley
Kristyn Bullen
Corbin Busby
Linda Bush and Nancy McGill
Amanda Byers
Jo Ann B. Byler
Dana Cabral
John Cahill
Carlo Calderón
Sally Cameron
Karen Campbell and Michael Fraysse
Denise Campione
Sheila G. Cano
Rebecca Canright
John Capp
Karen Carl
Melanie Cartier
Cristina Paulin Casplin
Ana Castellon
Morgan Castner
Viviane Caya
Ryan Chamberlain
Deborah Chase
I-Hsuan Chen
Lauren Cheney
Yu Chien Cheng
Lynne and Bruce Chick
John Christensen and Christine Edge-Christensen
Kai Teddy Christman
Dominic Chua
Alessandro Ciccarelli
Josh Cirker
Chris Cisneros
Brenda Clark
Kathie Clark
Yvonne Claudius
Al and Elizabeth Clinton
Robert Cohen
Tina B. Cohen
Tina Cole
Robert Collins
Jessica Colopy
Shawn Conley
Jonathon Conlon
Jennifer Costa
Kari and Tyler Crain
Katie Crossley
Liam Crotty
Nan Greer Crowley
Christine Cuffe
Melanie Cundiff
Max Curnoe-Cheng
Matthew and Sarah Cusack
Julia Dabrowska
Barbara Dalziel
Karen Davies
Jennifer B. Davis
Tania Del Rio
Tom Derlis
Anna de Siún
Deborah Devany
Alexia Diaz
Diana Diaz
Gabriela Sanchez Diaz
John Dick and Laura Johnson
Lauren Dolan
Vicki Donatell
Yulia Douglas
Lisa Douglass
Elizabeth Drew
Joshua Drews
Sabrina K. Duke
Kimberly Dungan
Troy Dvorak
Claire Eagle
Omar El-Sheikh
Jessica Espinoza
Robert Euthe
Inge Evenwel
Holly Ewerse
Joe Falzon
Jean Farrell
Mary Farris
Margaret Fearey
Patricia Ferguson
Alice Ferrell
Lorraine Fields
Carl Fitch
Elizabeth Flinn
Teddy Fombonne de Galatheau
Gerald Ford
Luisa Förder
Kaitlin Foster
Daniel Fox
Ursula Fricker
Oskar Galazka
Helena Galea
Rebecca Gallaway
Silvia Gallon
Gaofan (Zhejiang) Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Katia Garcia
Emma Gardiner
Mary Guard
Lisa Geelhood and Nigel Marshall
Christine Gehl
Lisa Gentile
Melissa George
Patricia A. Gesser
Cheryl Gibbs and Sean Bonnet
Marc Gimbel
Anny González

Tyson Gonzalez
Karen Goodall
Paul Gracie
Lara Grady
Melanie Grady
George Greatwich
Elena Greck
Adao Greenberg
Rosemary Gregory
Evan Greiner
Jerry Grout
Mary Guard
Nancy Halbern
Brandy Hale
Jean Hall
Teri Halliwell
Michele Hanson
Jackie Harbison
Makenzi Harrison
Yvonne Haskett
Barbara Hauck-Mah
Rona Hausser
Stephanie Hautier
Angela Hawse
Hilary Haydu
Wendy and Jeffrey Heeks
Lisa Heine
Ross Henry
Pedro Hernandez
Peyton Herrick
John Hickman
Hella Hiljus
Danielle Hill
Leslie Hoerr
Heather Hoffman
Thomas Hogan
Jean Hopkins
Emily Horowitz
Cameron Houle
Sherrily Huang
Susan Huckins
Lindsay Hutchison
Charles Huyghues-Despointes
Shane Hylton
Margaret A. Iannuzzi
Gladys Ibanez
Jennifer Ibrahim
Ashley Ihrke
Andrea Illsley
Carol Ingell
Mary Kira Jahn
Patricia Jankowski
Albert Janschewitz
Betsy Jasper
Dingling Ji
Gail F. Johnson
Gerald Johnson
Royden Josephson
Rodney Juliet
Brent Jury
Vanessa Kalinowski
Ayaka Kaneko
Sabrina Karavla
Patrick Kastler
Chiharu Katsuta
Mari Kawaguchi
Larry Kawula
Barbara Kayser
Ms. Shauna Kerr
Nasira Khan
Tetiana Khavsanka
Elvan Kiani
Alice Kim
Yevin Kim
Cameron King
Marilyn King
Stephanie King
Eva Klimes
Andrew Koneski
Bonnie Koppelman
Gyorgyi Kovacs
Mary Kraft-Lee DVM
Pam Kreis-Gordon
Anthony Kresz
Marcia Kristmann
Julia Kupich-Röder
Mark Laforest
Audrey Laing
Sara Landess
David Lantz
Linda Latall
Ursula Lauper
Rachel Laurick
Eileen Lawrence
Bette Lawson
Dani Lefrancois
William Leibold
Steven Lennon
Suford Lewis
Sze Wan Lie
Alexandra Liloia-Bishop
Dean Lines
Judy and David Lister
Joseph Lomax
Monica Lomeli
Christopher Long
Kathleen Longo
María Salomé Lopez
Alexis Lotero
Susan Lowe
Jan Lubin
Mengrui Luo
Stijn Luttik
Kathleen Lynch
Beth Lynk
Shiaotzu Ma
Karla MacInnis
Diana Magana
Olena Maier
Michael Malagisi
Daoud Malikyar
Tinnawit Mangkang
Jaime Marin
Wanda Marion
Brandon Martin
David Martin
Lilia Martinez
Luz Maria Martinez
Susanna Mason
John F. Mastroianni
Erica Max
Alysa McCall
Sandra and Sam McCall
Lesley McCave
Elise McCoubrie
Kerry Ann McCullam
Blaire McEneany
Rebecca McKee
Camelia Bianchi McKelvey
Leanna McKeon
Amanda McLeod
Charlotte McLeod
Kelly McMillan
Kailyn McMillin
Valerie McPherson
Ms. Jade Medina
Kirstine Melchior
Robert Meldrum
Sawyer Mell
Margrit Meyer
Elizabeth Miggins
Anne Milano-Cole
Frank Millin
Kimberly Miracle
Judith Mittelberg
Amber Mlazgar
Maedeh Mohebnasab
Liam and Claire Montgomery
Stephen Montsaroff
Chris Moore
Jessica Moore
Natalie Morano
Esther Moux
Caitlyn Mow
Sarah Mungul
Larry Murnane
Gaen Murphree
Lenore Nadeau
Kristine Naegeli
Tadahiro Nakahama
Ellen Nash
Max Nasir
Alba Nasoni
Sasha Navarro
Lisa Nelson

Molly Nelson
Jean Nesta-Berry
Barbara M. Newton
Chiachi Ni
Shirley Nicholas
Kamma Vedel Nielsen
Janet and Christopher Njaa
Gregory Norris
Sandra Northend
Zdenka Novak
Pamela Nowell
Richard Offord
Janet O’Hara
Maria Öjelind-Jegenstam
Erynn O’Keefe
Heidi Olsen
Robin Olson
Eyllin Ortega
Marie Ortiz
Garred and Alma Osorio
Naoko Otatsume
Kendal Owens
David and Janet Pacler
Grace Padelford
Danny Palacios
Saajan Panikar
Pierangely Parada
Katherine Parker
Christopher Pelkey
Greg Pennington
Melanie Perkins
Linda Perrigoue
Leslie Perry
Molly Perse
Samantha Peterson
Nicole Petrosky
Miriam and Daniel Pitz
Jeff Pixton
Lisa Platt
Robert Platt Jr.
Danielle Ploscik
Grace Pole
Victoria Porto
Joseph Derek Price
Jean-François Proulx
Karen Puscas
Georgina Puschner
Asad Quasem
Daryll Rathburn
Ramona Raybin
Kathy Reid
Polina Replyanskaya
Daniel Richards
Meghan Richardson
Ma Rina
Laurie Rindskopf
James Ritscher
Julia Ritter
Grace Robblee
Anny Robert
Geraldine Rondeau
Lexsy Rosario
Ioannis Roussakis
Elizabeth Rowe
Susan Rummel
Anna Rust
Stephanie Ruswick
Heather and Cadence Ryan
David Sabet
Denise Sadigur
Jody Saeger
Joel Saint
Victoria Sanderson
Carol Susanne Santana
Anna Saxon
Susan Schapiro
Mary Ann Scharenbroch-Gillum
Samantha and Daniel Scheiman
Lisa Schmidberger
Liz Scholte
Bettina Scholz
William Schroeder
Hilary Scothorn
Zeynep Elisa Ruth Serter
Laura Sharen
Takashi Shimizu
Ellen Shiu
Amanda Shoff
Jung Min Shon
Steven Silverman
Petra Simpson
Robin Siner
Martha Siniscalchi
Linda Sippel-Lemmer
Taylor Smyrnos
Lisa Supeno Skokov
Melanie Slatter
Stephanie Sluka
Andrew Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Ernest Smith
Keely Smith
Kelsey Smith
Kevin Smith
Krista Smith
Pamela Smith
Alana and Matthew Sorin
Carolyn Spatafora
Stephanie Spector
Megan and Derek Spranger
Sam Stephens
Michelle Stolk
Bradley Stone
Jennifer Stubbs
Litzy Styles
Xiaoyi Su
Marc Sumberg and Colleen Kydd-Sumberg
Helen Hiromi Suzuki
Leanne Talbot
Jeanne Tartaro
Sara Tavakoli
Yamile Tellez-Solis
Michelle Thoma
Adalie Thomas
Honey Thomas
Nathan Thomas
Carly Thompson
Trent Thompson
Cathy Tiner
Linda Tomchin
Patricia Touzeau
Annette Trolle
Joanne Troutner
Jacquelyn Tupper
Kyle Ullman
Kelly Ulrich
Melody Unger
Nobue Ushijima
Tamara Vagg and Aaron Bolger
Ms. Mary Valente
Rebecca Vincent
Jenn May Volker
Edouard Voskresensky
Hazel Walduck
Dr. Donald and Sheila Walsh
Michael Walsh
Amber Wang
Andrew Wang
Connie Wang
Sally Ward
Erica Weigel
Joanne Wells
Kerstin Welzbacher
Sally Weston
Natalie Widdowson
Donald Wilken
Ben Willett
Katlynn Williamson
Sheila Winder
Katherine Winkelman
Anthony Wong
Lillian Wong
Roth Woods
Jane Wright
Maxine Yague
Yael Hochberg Yanai
Layton Yap
Nicole Yatsonsky
Regina Ygoa-McKeown
Ginger Young
Redpanda Yu
Tsz Wai Yung
Salvina Zen
Nadja Zollo
Rachel Zoyhofski
Elinor Zucchet

Thank you to all of our donors who give through these platforms

Benevity Canada
Bright Funds Foundation
Canada Helps
Charities Aid Foundation America
Charities Aid Foundation Canada
CHC: Creating Healthier Communities
Combined Federal Giving Campaign
Give Lively Foundation
Giving Block (USA)
Meta (Facebook and Instagram)
Network for Good
Paypal Giving Fund
TisBest Philanthropy
United Kingdom Online Giving Foundation
United Way

Photo: © Kt Miller /

Thank you for all you do for polar bears.


© 2024 Polar Bears International